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Winter Jam 2012
VadДата: Вторник, 15.05.2012, 21:32 | Сообщение # 1
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clelliotsobiaGДата: Среда, 18.12.2013, 05:15 | Сообщение # 36
Группа: Гости

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PaulleyitaliaZHДата: Четверг, 19.12.2013, 00:53 | Сообщение # 37
Группа: Гости

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PieleceuteflyДата: Пятница, 20.12.2013, 01:50 | Сообщение # 38
Группа: Гости

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bobSyncKeenueДата: Вторник, 24.12.2013, 19:23 | Сообщение # 39
Группа: Гости

Metro Group's Future Store Initiative in Germany gives looking of retailing tomorrow. Shoppers don't notice anything unusual except that each shopping trolley has got a PDA which can help shoppers find products. Item level tagging will still be a trifle away, but also the ability in the smart shelves at Metro to realize when an object is taken off coming from a shelf can be quite designed for back-office staff, and the capacity identify goods heading go out of date reducing their price helps maximise profits. There's even a completely industry of promoting and promotional ideas joining hand-in-hand as shoppers walk past products available to buy. Replacing inventory with data is secret to improved retail efficiency that has been enhanced client shopping experience.
RFID (Rf Identification) can be identified as the oldest new technology! It was around approximately half a century, its value in identifying <a href=http://www.amazon.com/s/keywords=Harmony%20Kids%20Round%20Back%20Glider%20Sage%20Chenille?tag=homegardengz-20>Harmony Kids Round Back Glider Sage Chenille Price On Sale</a> Aircraft during flight throughout The second world war was quickly realised because of the British Air force. These particular forty years are readily available . was mainly utilized in security applications, building access, road tolls and key fobs.
But to speak around RFID concerning supply chain shall be to miss the thing. Emerging technologies: sensors, (mots or smart dust), Nanotechnology and community wide wireless broadband, GPS, are changing the landscape for business applications and way of life generally. Some believe it is a biggest technological transformation belonging to the Modern day. It'll transform our Cities, our work processes and our everyday life.
There is very little doubt that healthcare services are moving here we are at the town where previously reside. Hospitals should be places for focused operations and all of other healthcare issues could be tackled in the home perspective. Most seniors prefer independence and deserve dignity. Though it is though not always straightforward for family and friends to pop in daily to insure get up. What happens if your elderly Grandparents lived plenty of miles away?
What could Emerging Technologies Do For Society
We are now witnessing the growth of "Real World Awareness", which should have massive implications given our budget all. Marriage ceremony only about identifying a packet of frozen peas during a walk in freezer, but enabling the freezer to share with the operator its status immediately. Does the freezer need maintenance? Are probably the doors shut, lights off, stock taken into account. Are present fresh <a href=http://www.amazon.com/s/keywords=Radio%20Flyer%20Voyager%20Canopy%20Wagon?tag=toysandgamesgz-20>Radio Flyer Voyager Canopy Wagon</a> raspberries in your freezer? Opporutnity to flag potential problems, remove errors, reduce costs and drive efficiency.
Healthcare absorbs a great number of taxpayer's money. Globally around 14% GDP!
Discovered discuss the privacy issues further, the extensive benefits to humanity the potential downside between limited privacy and benefit. No-one needless to say definitely wants to see George Orwell's vision become reality, but ubiquitous sensor and emerging technologies manage if deployed correctly to brew a positive contribution towards the lives. Therefore have to appreciate that various parts world wide, hungry for fulfillment are less interested in privacy issues consequently fast exploiting these technologies.
Soon we're going have free community <a href=http://www.amazon.com/s/keywords=Sterling%20Silver%20Blue%20Topaz%20and%20Diamond%20Ring%20Pendant%20and%20Earring%20Box%20Set%20Size%207?tag=jewelrygz-20>Sterling Silver Blue Topaz and Diamond Ring Pendant and Earring Box Set Size 7 Review</a> wide broadband. Sweden a few weeks ago gave free broadband admittance to their very own citizens, with speeds 100 times faster than that open to us throughout the uk. Recently Milton Keynes followed suit, along with the Town of London promised free business broadband to everyone within the Square Mile. This emerging infrastructure is essential after we commence to recognise that Broadband will not be only a computer for You can restrict and free VOIP, but a significant infrastructure for certain world awareness.
Again in Healthcare light beer all hospital staff to bear in mind impending operations, surgical and post operational equipment and identify people and assets quickly serves as a massive daily task. Time looking to buy people and assets within hospitals is enormous. Decontamination should certainly insure which your correct appliances are for your correct theatre and also in fit condition for smooth operational delivery. The simple truth is that Admissions please don't speak to Theatre which don't talk to Decontamination, and cancellation of each operation at about 20K the is just not an exceptional occurrence. It's no wonder that, some Healthcare Organisations happens to be named the family of hostile relatives! Against this background stock is to identify and a bit of hospitals phone their suppliers to assure normally, how much business was initiated edition month! eCommerce has been in forever with platforms like UK HealthLogistics capable to deliver value. Surely a modern supermarket approach here to make chains efficiency ought to be needed.
RFID could be an infrastructure technology, which will undoubtedly make use of a effects on nearly every business process. However RFID is always a fresh technology, and so we are all waiting to learn where it will lead in many different applications. Your situation for RFID is well documented within specific business scenarios, on the other hand benefit of the buyer in order to be unknown beyond Londoners with their Oyster cards and Parisians with Navigo cards. However, harmful used RFID without realisation it for their key fobs, and one or two understand this facility so convenient their own home doors are locked exactly the same way.
China is already building fifty smart cities with sensors embedded everywhere. Sensors to further improve traffic flow, bridge structure, water management, and improved transport networks. At micro and macro level where will be benefits for industry and citizens. If it's all tagged (people and assets) then came building site can be a safer destination for a work. Project planners can insure without delay that materials and tools are in place well before drawing the builders. Chemicals can flag attention if positioned with dangerous materials or incorrectly positioned. You can control Air, Water and Waste by tiny sensors, or at worst remotely monitor public safety live. Readily perhaps drive better greener strategies as well as energy improved housing. Dentalab have elected dental molds with radio frequency tags make sure dentists may be alerted if the incorrect dental crown is offer to your client. Implicit listed below are enormous benefits for efficiency and safety. TrentStar, the beer keg asset management company, deploying RFID, crafted a fivefold lowering beer kegs maintenance costs. Let's suppose every public utility meter was self read? Would that reduce rates? Let's say parking meters could chat with cars to update parking charges? Singaporeans use their car tags to spend for parking and road use. The feds Technology will be convenient if managed without abuse. Laws are hoped for that protect anyone. Would we like to to hold on to a tag about everywhere which to provide an example enabled our mobiles being an oyster card or paypal or credit card and booted up our PC when folks entered the carpet entrance personal 15th floor office? Would that increase productivity for employers? Let's say employers paid our transport fees in recognition?
A good friend of an friend once phoned inside a panic to request assistance because her car key fob was flat and she or he was locked beyond her car. It's explained that the particular key could very well be inserted manually through the keyhole from the driver door! She would not believe this and was amazed to find a hole in the door that she hadn't observed in 4 years! What is our fact is driven what we all do and experience day-after-day; every person has blind spots similar to the Ice Merchants of yesteryear who i never thought that fringes and freezers would arrive to eliminate their business overnight. <a href=http://www.amazon.com/s/keywords=Margaritaville%20DM0500%20Bahamas%2036%20Ounce%20Frozen%20Concoction%20Maker?tag=homegardengz-20>Margaritaville DM0500 Bahamas 36 Ounce Frozen Concoction Maker</a> Anyone hear of innovations where tomorrow's fridges is running on sound waves? Goggle thermoacoustic refrigeration!
There <a href=http://www.amazon.com/s/keywords=Giro%20Atmos%20Racing%20Bike%20Helmet?tag=sportinggoodsgz-20>Giro Atmos Racing Bike Helmet Review</a> are countless form of positive evidence of concepts showing where Broadband, RF and smart dust sensors can strengthen the way our healthcare is managed. In step with most press statements, our Hospitals are <a href=http://www.amazon.com/s/keywords=Schumacher%20PSC%2012500A%20DSR%20ProSeries%20125%2015%2040%202%20Amp%206%2012%20Volt%20Automatic%20SpeedCharge%20Hybrid%20Battery% 20Charger%20Starter?tag=automotivegz-20>Schumacher PSC 12500A DSR ProSeries 125 15 40 2 Amp 6 12 Volt Automatic SpeedCharge Hybrid Battery Charger Starter</a> in serious financial meltdown. But are you aware healthcare supply chains are run like businesses from your 60's! We offer eCommerce and barcode standards, that would soon crumple to automatic data capture for each inventory movement within your complex hospitals, but we're still far off from making emerging technology save us make use healthcare. We've got great technology, but sometimes lack wisdom. Globally Healthcare has incredible economies of scale, nevertheless numerous Local Trusts managing the ones individual perspectives we can keep having massive complexity and inefficiency in the future. What exactly is required, for my part, is seen as a "monopolistic committee" which may mandate isn't just economic principles to insure long run patient safety along with the adoption of best RFID business practice. RFID healthcare standards will enable an actually efficient medical logistics, enabling assets, maintenance, resources as well as to stay better managed and scarce resources deployed where necessary. The patient <a href=http://www.amazon.com/s/keywords=Panasonic%20MK%20G20NR%20Meat%20Grinder?tag=homegardengz-20>Panasonic MK G20NR Meat Grinder Price On Sale</a> will experience a substantially improved,frugal and safer service.
Due to its would like to identify vital equipment quickly, the Military were naturally truly interested in technology that will help hold the guesswork in inventory and logistics. Wars fought in foreign lands create massive logistic problems; soldiers need bullets, food, etc if needed, inspite of price or location. Battle readiness crucial to military success.
Sensors in doctor's surgical gloves can help to prevent accidents or assist surgery. Most operations are finished in some standard way and then the by using sensor networks can reflect the modern state related with an operation, help with options, issue reminders, alert other professionals etc. Risk and error is usually reduced. Act on this is often increasingly being done to the Danish Centre of Pervasive Healthcare and Intel Research Seattle. Seem like it would lead how to fast track medical training and wide open better on the internet training to less wealthy nations.
RFID sensors are playing a number in airline safety. Airbus and Boeing have endorsed RFID wholeheartedly and mandated their supply chains to add in fractional laser treatments in product offering. Should anyone ever glanced from the first aircraft cockpit you will notice a couple of dials with the dashboard. Early pilots required the help of flight engineers, navigators and radio operator to fly. Pilots flew "by the seat of their pants", of their skill and experience. Look now with the latest Airbus 300 series! Around 600 sensors all automatically utilized in harmony to insure engines and aircraft are extremely in good working order. Risk are constantly being reduced. Pilots alone will not be prepared to tackle lots of complexity currently handled by wireless sensors and onboard computers. Kid identify an unknown object like the bird caught inside aircraft engine carrying out a successful flight also can save massive sums of fuel. Again, in order to a fracture around a rotor blade prior to you major crack can prevent an unpleasant accident. After every flight a single log about the aircraft engine activity is downloaded to your preventive maintenance crews who explore for irregularities. This data is critical safety and efficiency throughout the airline industry.
Smart packaging can indicate should the correct drug is taken about the correct hour and help <a href=http://www.amazon.com/s/keywords=Canon%20BP%20970G%20Lithium%20Ion%20Battery%20Retail%20Packaging?tag=electronicsgz-20>Canon BP 970G Lithium Ion Battery Retail Packaging Price On Sale</a> a person to better manage their medication. No-one will confidence decades time that mobiles had been for voice only. In Sweden, Norway and Denmark RFID device have become a pretty important tool for your personal automatic capture of critical medical data in the neighborhood. Thus an interior sensor implant could forward key data via your mobile for the doctor. However, improved national security safeguards must be present.
Around 7000 American gasoline stations are enabling clients to fast fuel their vehicles among the simple wave for their RFID fob. Simply re-fill and go! The fuel fobs are generally so successful that this usage is now been considered in junk food outlets where convenience and service are key to happy and dependable clients.
Numerous RFID applications with innovations for example , EPCGlobal and standardisations around wireless spectrums are generally enabling cyberspace to interface aided by the world. Concepts for example expression "Internet of Things" implies every object in your physical environment could very well be identified with its status confirmed instantly. Soon the things you own together with household assets could be aware you use it! Theft may be difficult!
Technology however will not be separate to Society. No technology exists outside influence of, culture, policy, and economics. Everyone "sees" influenced by their personal environment, the amount, their loved ones values etc. Increased knowing our cultural mindset will be essential. We can easily consider this as being "prison mindset". A self locking mindset makes us think in a certain style as well as creates our thoughts and confirms our reality. It's a really cosy vacation spot be modify is not always invited in!
The American FDA have endorsed making use of RFID for item level prescription use. Now "Unit of Use" medicine might be automatically matched to patient at POC( reason for care). The power to insure the most effective drug is dispensed for the correct patient is the vital thing. US hospitals record 7000 deaths 1 year an average of thanks medication error. Aside from that, 750,000 adverse medical events happen seen a massive upsurge causing massive suffering and anxiety to citizens and caregivers. Counterfeit medicine is an enormous concern in every case. How exactly does technology remove this menace?
These sensor innovations have also been happening in Formula 1 racing. McLaren Mercedes have around 50 sensors on their car engine and chassis to assist improve performance. Cars racing along at 200 mph plus are giving their mechanics back at a racetrack vital data regarding their engines performance . Mechanics are even conscious drivers are intending to change gear! This new sensor technology efficient despite an incredibly difficult environment with massive security challenges.
RFID use by US Military was identified quickly by major retailers like Wal Mart, Metro Group, Target and Tesco who felt which a chance to "see" stock in the supply chains would help eliminate delivery error, stock outs, shrinkage, human error etc not to mention assistance in building consumer driven demand chains. Inventory cost money, and uncertainty causes stock establish by all stakeholders during the supply chain. High stock levels, or empty retail shelves simply reflect a deficiency of knowledge. Knowing of goods flying there are various retail shelf by manufacturer is definitely useful when production runs. But also for <a href=http://www.amazon.com/s/keywords=KitchenAid%20Gourmet%20Hard%20Anodized%20Nonstick%2010%20Piece%20Cookware%20Set?tag=homegardengz-20>KitchenAid Gourmet Hard Anodized Nonstick 10 Piece Cookware Set Price On Sale</a> now retailers are specializing in how 'active listening' will pallet and case level tagging. Manufacturers and retailers work closely together to be able to inefficiencies utilizing their supply chains. I am sure consumers by maintaining the suitable stock in stock at huge discounts, plus in America where item level prescriptions are increasingly being presented by way of major pharmacy group (CVS Pharmacy), it will now enable better management and handle of drug stocks. Hence any time a drug in just one pharmacy is actually one year with the life expectancy it is dispatched to a higher pharmacy where the need for that drug is larger. Plus it will flag up any unusual drug sales or errors.
Smart Granite worktops will quickly live in vogue. The granite will have a very handful of transponders along with big and ready embedded antenna to insure that many things to eat additional to the worktop will sync along with the other smart utensils, enabling all things living rooms to automatically communicate: washer dryer, fridge, cooker, extractor, toaster, microwave, radio, lights, boiler system, wall tiles, floor, all door locks and any other signs. Nasty bacteria for the cutting board will self clean and so will the sink and recycle basket. No child with this kitchen are ever going to pull a boiling pot of rice upon herself. In build safety / security might be a standard module in every single smart kitchen. Energy efficiency should additionally save household fuel costs by 20% .
With sensors creating down to earth awareness, you'll be able to use a traffic light system using your laptop that can flag along the occasion when Mr X did not wake or build a cup a joe at 7am or any major break around the natural flow of activity inside lifestyles. Any alteration in social interaction, e . g ., might point to changing your <a href=http://www.amazon.com/s/keywords=Keekaroo%20Height%20Right%20Kids%20High%20Chair%20with%20Comfort%20Cushions%20Natural%20Lime?tag=babyproductscheap-20>Keekaroo Height Right Kids High Chair with Comfort Cushions Natural Lime Review</a> medical, or impending illness reflected early by failure you can eat. Lights automatically approaching each elderly person visits the loo throughout the night, like, will help eradicate the thousand of hip operations required 12 months in the nation!
The British Nuclear Group is deploying Ubisense sensor way to fix map and identify radiation levels as well location for each worker to raise employee safety and efficiency.
That which is sure however is always that RF is here to remain, with major pilots and positive proofs of concept across many industries: food and drinks, aerospace, libraries, government, transport, retail, pharmaceutical, healthcare, logistics, auto industry, security etc. The IT and Building Industry own an enormous opportunity here.
With new sensors serving the area around houses, smart kitchens, hospitals, factories, public parks, highways and parking spaces what can all this mean to Society, to the privacy in order to sorting out each of our major social and economic problems? Will any of us pull these emerging technologies together strategically towards the London Olympics to indicate to everyone around you that Business UK is fit and prepared?
Who of your organisation / company or home have the effect of interested in the horizon to anticipate modifications and innovations coming go forward? With the intention to exploit technology we will have to most probably to your prospect of technology, start up company processes, changing the way you work, think, and live. People always come first and our perspective will determine how future technology will be adopted. Thus a major RFID / emerging technology debate must have to occur in insure i don't need to waste this chance before us. My group is helping Two Four Productions develop this debate to our TV screens, by chance anyone definitely wants to get involved please do get in touch.
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