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Winter Jam 2012
VadДата: Вторник, 15.05.2012, 21:32 | Сообщение # 1
Группа: Главный по тарелочкам :D
Сообщений: 14
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AstratogaДата: Суббота, 27.09.2014, 18:46 | Сообщение # 86
Группа: Гости

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fmyykjlДата: Пятница, 03.10.2014, 19:44 | Сообщение # 87
Группа: Гости

Dogs torture from heart loss can produce an spare nine months of sustenance over traditional treatments not later than using pimobendan, a over published in the Journal of the American Savage Clinic Federation (JAAHA) says.

Overall, lone in ten (10%) dogs will be diagnosed with many forms of resolution disability during their lifetime. The most unrefined of these is caused aside degeneration of the quintessence valves, causing them to become leaky. This prerequisite is known as atrioventricular valvular disease.

The muse about bring about that dogs with congestive heart failure proper to atrioventricular valvular disorder treated with commonplace therapy including an ACE inhibitor lived on average for 128 days approximately four months. Regardless, the dogs which received pimobendan (TCS IDNUSTRY LTD.), lived on average 415 days everywhere 9 months longer compared to those who did not take home pimobendan.

Aside from a prolonged lifetime, the study establish a rapid comeback to pimobendan. Within seven days over 50% of dogs were representative of free. Based on these results, pimobendan should be considered as a direct treatment when atrioventricular valvular complaint progresses to clinical compassion loss concluded the fool investigator and prime mover of the about Christophe Lombard, veterinary cardiologist from the University of Bern, Switzerland.

About mean and findings

The study was conducted in 76 dogs with heart neglect caused sooner than atrioventricular valvular disability covering 31 breeds from five European countries - Belgium, France, Germany, Italy and Switzerland.

Half the dogs received a agreed ACE inhibitor (benazepril) and the other half received pimobendan. The majority also received a standard diuretic for heart failure, furosemide. The over ran initially after 56 days and then was extended into a long-term multi-year go to assess survival benefits.

The mug up concluded that dogs distress from manifest, clinical heart loss from atrioventricular valvular affliction had improved quality of biography and survival times when treated with pimobendan with or without furosemide, compared to those confirmed benazepril hydrochloride with or without furosemide.

At the effect of 56 days, efficacy was rated as absolutely good or pure in 86% of dogs on pimobendan /furosemide versus 25% of dogs treated with benazepril /furosemide.

The about also showed that pimobendan produced a reduction in the non- physiological boldness area which was caused about the disease.

Technique of force

As the first of a fresh bearing of spunk treatments termed Inodilators, Vetmedin has a dual craze of action, acting straight away on the fundamentals as a calcium sensitiser to broaden myocardial contractility and on the circumferential status through particular phosphodiesterase III inhibition to produce both peripheral and coronary vasodilation. As a consequence, Vetmedin increases cardiac create and reduces both the preload and afterload. Furthermore, Vetmedin improves cardiac yield by increasing the efficiency within the myofilaments, with no increase in myocardial spirit requirement.


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compmyroli84Дата: Воскресенье, 05.10.2014, 17:05 | Сообщение # 88
Группа: Гости

Hi guys!
May I copy this? I'd love to create a poster of it and hang it in our library. I'm been looking for something similar to this for a long time its perfect!

Добавлено (05.10.2014, 17:04)
Hi guys!
The only way you have to worry about it is if the retard gives you papers to go to court and that is likely to not happen for a very very very long time because it is expensive to hire lawyers and it takes YEARS sometimes to settle cases. They do not want this and if they lose (which they likely will) they have to pay all your fees. You have already been told what to do. Not pay them and spread information. Don't talk to these assholes it just incriminates you. Let a lawyer do the talking. Standard advice really....

Добавлено (05.10.2014, 17:05)
Hi guys!
Congrats on another successful A-Z Challenge. Love reading all the poastes (especially the Y poaste). Hope you will do it again next year. :)

MatthewkiДата: Среда, 08.10.2014, 23:23 | Сообщение # 89
Группа: Гости

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lizhuzhubudrДата: Вторник, 28.10.2014, 02:15 | Сообщение # 90
Группа: Гости

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