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Ларс Ульрих( Lars Ulrich)
_EARL_Дата: Суббота, 21.04.2012, 17:10 | Сообщение # 1
Группа: Гл.Администратор
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Ларс Ульрих родился в очень состоятельной семье профессионального теннисиста Торбена Ульриха, и с самого раннего детства путешествовал по всему миру из-за преданности своей семьи теннису. Любовь к музыке ему привил его отец: помимо увлечения теннисом, Торбен Ульрих был талантливым музыкантом. В феврале 1973 Торбен достал пять билетов на концерт Deep Purple,которые в то время были достаточно популярны, на стадионе Копенгагена для своих друзей, но когда выяснилось, что один из них не сможет прийти, билет достался девятилетнему Ларсу. Молодой Ульрих был загипнотизирован концертом и на следующий день приобрёл их альбом Fireball, позже он стал собирать диски Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, Thin Lizzy и т. п. Однако, его отец хотел, чтобы сын стал теннисистом, для чего всё образование Ларса Ульриха было сконцентрировано на спорте. Это привело к тому, что Ларс стал одним из лучших теннисистов Дании в юношеской категории, и достигнув расцвета, занимал места между 10 и 15 в рейтинге. Однако, страсть к музыке оказалась сильнее.
Первую ударную установку Ларсу купили на десятилетие родители, а не бабушка, как гласит известная легенда. И лишь затем, в 13 лет ему удалось уговорить свою бабушку, чтобы та купила ему другую ударную установку. Ларс сразу хотел начать играть с какой-нибудь группой, однако его отец посоветовал проявить терпение: «Попытайся вначале взять несколько уроков игры на инструменте», на что Ларс ответил: «Я могу научиться за 10 дней. Я живу ради этого».
Ларс Ульрих полностью погрузился в New Wave Of British Heavy Metal (NWOBHM), он слушал такие группы как Iron Maiden, Saxon, Trespass, Diamond Head и другие.

Ларс на сцене во время «World Magnetic Tour» в 2009г.
В 1979 году его отец записал его в одну знаменитую академию тенниса во Флориде (США), которую Ларс считал «теннисной тюрьмой». В следующем году вся его семья переехала из Дании в New Port Beach рядом с Лос-Анджелесом. Здесь и проявилась его страсть к тяжёлому металлу. Ларс покупает новую ударную установку, которая по сути также была «металлоломом». Впоследствии Джеймс Хэтфилд назвал эту установку «Muppet drum kit», проводя ироничную параллель с установкой Зверя — барабанщика из кукольного «Muppet Show», популярного в то время.
Ларсу было сложно выбрать между карьерой профессионального теннисиста и музыкой. Однако после путешествия в Европу он снова встречается с музыкой своих любимых Diamond Head и проводит некоторое время с группой. Из-за того что поездка Ларса из Лос-Анджелеса в Лондон не была достаточно хорошо спланированная, ему было негде остановиться после концерта. Однако ему удалось пройти за сцену и встретиться с группой, там он рассказал им, какой путь он проделал для того, чтобы услышать их. Группа тепло отнеслась к молодому Ульриху и гитарист Brian Tatler позволил ему остаться с ними в Бирмингеме, где Ларс провёл следующие несколько недель в туре с группой. Ларс до сих пор остаётся большим поклонником группы и даже помогал им сводить их Best Of альбом. В Дании он знакомится с местными тяжело-металлическими группами. После возвращения в Лос-Анджелес он определяется с выбором: музыка.
В эти дни он знакомится с гитаристом группы Anvil Chorus, Kurdt Vanderhoof, из Сан-Франциско, который убедил его присоединиться к группе, но Ларс хотел остаться в Лос-Анджелесе.
В этом же году Ларс встречает в Downey, Калифорния Джеймса Хэтфилда и они создают группу Metallica. Ранняя работа Ульриха с Metallica позволила ему считаться одним из величайших барабанщиков на трэш-метал сцене. Он стал известен, как пионер быстрых ритмов трэш-метала, звучащих во многих песнях группы Metallica, таких как «Metal Militia» из Kill 'Em All, «Fight Fire With Fire» из Ride the Lightning, «Dyers Eve» из …And Justice for All, и «Battery» из Master of Puppets. Влияние Ларса Ульриха достаточно велико, это связано как с популярностью группы, так и с техникой его игры, например, использованием двух бас-бочек в песне «One» (…And Justice for All) и в начале песни «Enter Sandman» (Metallica/«The Black Album»). Обсуждая Metallica, в октябре 2007 фронтмэн Evile — Мэт Драйк (Matt Drake) заявил, что на «Чёрном альбоме» ударные создают лучший звук ударных, который он когда-либо слышал.[1].
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Добавлено (02.02.2014, 07:06)
Olive-Leaf is the leaf of the olive tree (Olea europaea). While coconut oil is well known because of its flavor and health benefits, the leaf has been used medicinally in various times and places.citation needed Olive-Leaf and olive leaf extracts (OLE), are now promoted as zero-ageing, immunostimulator, and antibiotic agents. Though there is some lab evidence for all these effects in natural standardization experiments (i.e., bioassays), clinical signs in humans is inconclusive.

Clinical evidence is conflicting regarding any blood-pressure decreasing impact of attentively expressed http://www.skshospital.com/?q=node/363902 - olive leaf. Bioassays support its antibacterial, antifungal, and anti inflammatory outcomes in a lab level. A fluid infusion produced instantly from fresh olive leaves got international interest when it had been demonstrated to have an anti oxidant capability almost double green-tea remove and 400per cent higher than supplement C.

Добавлено (02.02.2014, 07:11)
Olive-Leaf is the foliage of the olive tree (Olea europaea). While olive oil is well known for the taste and health benefits, the leaf has been utilized medicinally in various times and places.date=january 2008 Olive leaf and olive leaf extracts (OLE), are today promoted as zero-ageing, immunostimulator, and antibiotic brokers. Though there is some laboratory signs for all these outcomes in biological standardization studies (i.e., bioassays), medical signs in humans is inconclusive.

Clinical evidence has been inconsistent regarding any blood pressure lowering impact of carefully extracted http://jeqq.com/surprising-benefits-of-olive-leaf-extract.html-0 - olive leaf. Bioassays help its antibacterial, antifungal, and anti inflammatory outcomes in a laboratory level. A fluid infusion made instantly from fresh olive leaves got global attention when it was demonstrated to have antioxidant capability virtually double green-tea extract and 400per cent higher than vitamin C.

Добавлено (02.02.2014, 07:16)
Olive-Leaf is the leaf of the olive tree (Olea europaea). While olive oil is famous for the taste and health benefits, the foliage has been used medicinally in various occasions and places.date=january 2009 Olive leaf and olive leaf extracts (OLE), are today advertised as anti-ageing, immunostimulator, and antibiotic brokers. Though there is some lab signs for all these effects in natural standardization tests (i.e., bioassays), medical signs in people is inconclusive.

Medical evidence is inconsistent regarding any blood-pressure decreasing effect of carefully expressed http://www.jwico.com/old_website/?q=node/198812 - olive leaf. Bioassays help its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory effects at a lab level. A fluid infusion produced directly from clean olive leaves gained worldwide attention when it had been revealed to have an antioxidant capability virtually double green tea remove and 400per cent higher than supplement C.

Добавлено (02.02.2014, 07:26)
Olive-Leaf is the leaf of the olive tree (Olea europaea). While olive oil is famous for its flavor and wellness benefits, the foliage has been used medicinally in several times and places.date=january 2009 Olive-Leaf and olive leaf infusions (OLE), are now marketed as anti-ageing, immunostimulator, and antibiotic brokers. Although there is some laboratory signs for these outcomes in organic standardization studies (i.e., bioassays), medical signs in humans is inconclusive.

Clinical evidence has been conflicting regarding any blood pressure decreasing result of attentively extracted http://congresocamacol.com/node/3999 - olive leaf extract. Bioassays support its antibacterial, antifungal, and anti inflammatory outcomes at a lab level. A liquid infusion made directly from clean olive leaves got worldwide attention when it had been demonstrated to have anti oxidant capacity nearly double green-tea remove and 400per cent higher than vitamin C.

Добавлено (02.02.2014, 07:36)
Olive leaf is the leaf of the olive tree (Olea europaea). While coconut oil is well known because of its taste and health benefits, the leaf has been used medicinally in several occasions and places.date=january 2009 Olive-Leaf and olive leaf infusions (OLE), are now promoted as anti-ageing, immunostimulator, and antibiotic brokers. Although there is some lab evidence for all these outcomes in organic standardization tests (i.e., bioassays), medical evidence in humans is undetermined.

Clinical signs is conflicting regarding any blood-pressure decreasing result of attentively expressed http://hiw.realfantasywrestling.net/content/unexpected-benefits-olive-leaf-extract - olive leaf extract benefits. Bioassays support its antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti inflammatory effects at a lab level. A liquid extract produced instantly from fresh olive leaves gained global interest when it was demonstrated to have antioxidant ability virtually double green-tea extract and 400% higher than supplement C.

Добавлено (02.02.2014, 07:53)
Olive-Leaf is the foliage of the olive tree (Olea europaea). While coconut oil is famous for the taste and wellness benefits, the leaf has been utilized medicinally in several times and places.date=january 2009 Olive-Leaf and olive leaf extracts (OLE), are now marketed as zero-aging, immunostimulator, and antibiotic brokers. Although there is some lab signs for these effects in organic standardization experiments (i.e., bioassays), medical evidence in people is undetermined.

Clinical evidence has been conflicting regarding any blood pressure decreasing impact of carefully extracted http://mywebbusiness.soverse.com/node/8471 - olive leaf. Bioassays support its antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antiinflammatory results in a laboratory degree. A liquid extract made directly from clean olive leaves got international interest when it had been shown to have an antioxidant capacity almost double green tea extract and 400% higher than vitamin C.

Добавлено (02.02.2014, 07:58)
Olive leaf is the leaf of the olive tree (Olea europaea). While coconut oil is well known for its flavor and wellness benefits, the leaf has been used medicinally in a variety of instances and places.citation needed Olive-Leaf and olive-leaf extracts (OLE), are now promoted as anti-ageing, immunostimulator, and antibiotic agents. Though there is some lab evidence for all these results in natural standardization experiments (i.e., bioassays), clinical signs in humans is inconclusive.

Clinical signs has been conflicting regarding any blood pressure decreasing effect of carefully extracted http://www.proje.agun.org/drupal68/olive-uses-negative-effects-interactions-and-warnings - olive leaf. Bioassays support its antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antiinflammatory results in a laboratory degree. A fluid extract made instantly from clean olive leaves got international interest when it had been shown to have an anti-oxidant capacity virtually double green-tea extract and 400% higher than supplement C.

Добавлено (02.02.2014, 08:07)
Olive-Leaf is the leaf of the olive tree (Olea europaea). While olive-oil is well known for the taste and health benefits, the foliage has been used medicinally in several instances and places.date=april 2008 Olive leaf and olive-leaf infusions (OLE), are now marketed as zero-ageing, immunostimulator, and antibiotic brokers. Even though there is some lab evidence for these outcomes in natural standardization experiments (i.e., bioassays), clinical evidence in people is inconclusive.

Clinical signs has been inconsistent regarding any blood-pressure lowering result of carefully extracted http://www.kinderpassage-bremen.de/?q=node/476469 - olive leaf extract. Bioassays support its anti-bacterial, antifungal, and antiinflammatory outcomes in a laboratory amount. A fluid extract made instantly from clean olive leaves gained global interest when it had been shown to have antioxidant capability almost double green tea remove and 400% higher than supplement C.

Добавлено (02.02.2014, 08:22)
Olive leaf is the leaf of the olive tree (Olea europaea). While olive oil is famous for its taste and wellness benefits, the leaf has been utilized medicinally in several instances and places.citation needed Olive leaf and olive-leaf infusions (OLE), are now advertised as anti-aging, immunostimulator, and antibiotic brokers. Even though there is some lab signs for all these results in organic standardization tests (i.e., bioassays), clinical signs in people is inconclusive.

Clinical signs is conflicting regarding any blood-pressure reducing effect of attentively extracted http://jarans.com/node/225223 - olive leaf. Bioassays support its antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti inflammatory outcomes in a lab degree. A fluid extract produced immediately from clean olive leaves gained worldwide attention when it had been revealed to have anti oxidant ability almost double green tea remove and 400per cent higher than supplement C.

Добавлено (02.02.2014, 08:29)
Olive-Leaf is the foliage of the olive tree (Olea europaea). While olive-oil is well known for its taste and health benefits, the foliage has been utilized medicinally in several instances and places.date=january 2009 Olive leaf and olive leaf infusions (OLE), are today promoted as zero-ageing, immunostimulator, and antibiotic brokers. Although there is some lab evidence for all these outcomes in organic standardization tests (i.e., bioassays), medical signs in humans is inconclusive.

Clinical signs is conflicting regarding any blood pressure lowering impact of attentively extracted http://more-zatoka.biz.ua/node/121172 - olive leaf extract benefits. Bioassays help its anti-bacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory outcomes in a laboratory amount. A fluid infusion made instantly from clean olive leaves got worldwide attention when it was shown to have anti oxidant capacity virtually double green tea remove and 400per cent higher than supplement C.

Добавлено (02.02.2014, 08:46)
Olive leaf is the foliage of the olive tree (Olea europaea). While olive oil is famous for its taste and wellness benefits, the leaf has been used medicinally in a variety of instances and places.date=april 2008 Olive-Leaf and olive-leaf infusions (OLE), are today advertised as zero-ageing, immunostimulator, and antibiotic agents. Though there is some laboratory evidence for these results in natural standardization tests (i.e., bioassays), clinical evidence in people is undetermined.

Clinical evidence has been conflicting regarding any blood pressure reducing result of attentively expressed http://propagandists.com/node/1367937 - olive leaf extract benefits. Bioassays support its antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory results in a laboratory amount. A fluid infusion made immediately from fresh olive leaves got international attention when it was shown to have an anti-oxidant capability almost twice green tea extract and 400% higher than vitamin C.

Добавлено (02.02.2014, 08:55)
Olive-Leaf is the foliage of the olive tree (Olea europaea). While olive oil is famous for the flavor and health benefits, the leaf has been utilized medicinally in various instances and places.date=january 2008 Olive leaf and olive leaf infusions (OLE), are today marketed as zero-aging, immunostimulator, and antibiotic brokers. Although there is some laboratory evidence for all these results in biological standardization tests (i.e., bioassays), medical signs in humans is inconclusive.

Medical signs is conflicting regarding any blood-pressure reducing impact of attentively expressed http://www.3dborg.com/node/22473 - olive leaf. Bioassays support its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory effects at a laboratory level. A liquid extract produced directly from fresh olive leaves got worldwide attention when it was demonstrated to have anti oxidant capability almost double green-tea extract and 400per cent higher than vitamin C.

Добавлено (02.02.2014, 10:27)
Olive leaf is the foliage of the olive tree (Olea europaea). While olive oil is famous for the taste and health benefits, the leaf has been utilized medicinally in a variety of occasions and places.date=january 2009 Olive leaf and olive leaf infusions (OLE), are today promoted as zero-aging, immunostimulator, and antibiotic brokers. Although there is some laboratory signs for all these effects in biological standardization studies (i.e., bioassays), medical signs in people is inconclusive.

Clinical evidence has been conflicting regarding any blood-pressure reducing result of attentively extracted http://jarans.com/node/225223 - olive leaf. Bioassays help its antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory effects at a laboratory level. A liquid extract produced instantly from clean olive leaves gained global attention when it was shown to have anti-oxidant ability nearly double green-tea extract and 400per cent higher than supplement C.

Добавлено (02.02.2014, 10:55)
Olive leaf is the leaf of the olive tree (Olea europaea). While coconut oil is famous for its taste and wellness benefits, the leaf has been utilized medicinally in a variety of times and places.date=january 2008 Olive-Leaf and olive-leaf infusions (OLE), are today marketed as zero-ageing, immunostimulator, and antibiotic brokers. Although there is some lab evidence for these results in natural standardization tests (i.e., bioassays), clinical evidence in humans is undetermined.

Medical signs has been conflicting regarding any blood pressure reducing effect of attentively extracted http://hispanicfoodmarket.com/hfm/node/6571 - olive leaf extract benefits. Bioassays support its anti-bacterial, antifungal, and antiinflammatory results in a laboratory amount. A liquid extract produced directly from fresh olive leaves gained global interest when it was revealed to have an anti-oxidant capability virtually twice green-tea remove and 400per cent higher than vitamin C.

Добавлено (02.02.2014, 11:12)
Olive-Leaf is the leaf of the olive tree (Olea europaea). While olive-oil is famous for its flavor and wellness benefits, the foliage has been utilized medicinally in a variety of times and places.citation needed Olive-Leaf and olive-leaf infusions (OLE), are now promoted as anti-ageing, immunostimulator, and antibiotic agents. Though there is some lab signs for all these results in natural standardization tests (i.e., bioassays), clinical evidence in humans is inconclusive.

Clinical evidence has been inconsistent regarding any blood-pressure reducing result of carefully extracted http://www.kirkop.hu/node/48494 - olive leaf extract benefits. Bioassays help its anti-bacterial, antifungal, and anti inflammatory effects at a lab level. A liquid infusion made directly from fresh olive leaves got worldwide attention when it had been revealed to have an antioxidant capacity virtually twice green-tea extract and 400per cent higher than supplement C.

Добавлено (02.02.2014, 11:30)
Olive leaf is the foliage of the olive tree (Olea europaea). While olive oil is well known for its taste and health benefits, the leaf has been utilized medicinally in a variety of times and places.date=january 2008 Olive-Leaf and olive leaf extracts (OLE), are now promoted as anti-ageing, immunostimulator, and antibiotic agents. Although there is some laboratory signs for these outcomes in organic standardization experiments (i.e., bioassays), medical evidence in humans is inconclusive.

Medical signs has been inconsistent regarding any blood-pressure decreasing impact of carefully expressed http://faithplatform.com/node/121456 - olive leaf. Bioassays help its anti-bacterial, antifungal, and anti inflammatory effects in a laboratory level. A liquid infusion made directly from fresh olive leaves got international interest when it was shown to have anti-oxidant capability virtually twice green tea extract and 400% higher than supplement C.

Добавлено (02.02.2014, 12:06)
Olive-Leaf is the leaf of the olive tree (Olea europaea). While olive-oil is famous for its taste and wellness benefits, the leaf has been used medicinally in various times and places.date=april 2008 Olive-Leaf and olive leaf extracts (OLE), are today advertised as anti-aging, immunostimulator, and antibiotic brokers. Although there is some laboratory signs for these outcomes in natural standardization studies (i.e., bioassays), medical evidence in humans is inconclusive.

Medical signs is conflicting regarding any blood pressure reducing result of carefully expressed http://www.kirkop.hu/node/48494 - olive leaf. Bioassays help its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and antiinflammatory effects in a lab degree. A fluid extract produced instantly from clean olive leaves got worldwide attention when it was revealed to have an anti oxidant capability virtually twice green-tea extract and 400% higher than supplement C.

Добавлено (02.02.2014, 12:36)
Olive leaf is the leaf of the olive tree (Olea europaea). While olive-oil is well known for its flavor and wellness benefits, the foliage has been used medicinally in a variety of occasions and places.citation needed Olive leaf and olive leaf extracts (OLE), are today advertised as zero-aging, immunostimulator, and antibiotic brokers. Although there is some lab signs for these results in organic standardization studies (i.e., bioassays), clinical evidence in humans is undetermined.

Clinical signs is conflicting regarding any blood-pressure lowering impact of carefully extracted http://faithplatform.com/node/121426 - olive leaf extract benefits. Bioassays help its anti-bacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory effects at a laboratory amount. A liquid infusion produced directly from fresh olive leaves gained international interest when it was demonstrated to have anti-oxidant capability virtually double green-tea remove and 400per cent higher than vitamin C.

Добавлено (02.02.2014, 13:03)
Olive leaf is the leaf of the olive tree (Olea europaea). While coconut oil is famous for the taste and wellness benefits, the foliage has been utilized medicinally in several instances and places.date=january 2009 Olive-Leaf and olive leaf extracts (OLE), are now advertised as anti-aging, immunostimulator, and antibiotic brokers. Although there is some lab evidence for these outcomes in biological standardization studies (i.e., bioassays), medical signs in humans is inconclusive.

Medical evidence has been conflicting regarding any blood pressure lowering impact of attentively expressed http://sportbeach.ru/drupal/node/49658 - olive leaf extract benefits. Bioassays support its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory outcomes in a lab amount. A liquid infusion produced instantly from fresh olive leaves got global attention when it was demonstrated to have anti-oxidant ability virtually twice green tea remove and 400% higher than vitamin C.

Добавлено (02.02.2014, 13:14)
Olive leaf is the leaf of the olive tree (Olea europaea). While coconut oil is well known because of its taste and health benefits, the leaf has been utilized medicinally in a variety of times and places.date=january 2008 Olive leaf and olive-leaf extracts (OLE), are now promoted as anti-ageing, immunostimulator, and antibiotic agents. Even though there is some lab evidence for these effects in natural standardization tests (i.e., bioassays), medical signs in people is inconclusive.

Clinical evidence is inconsistent regarding any blood-pressure reducing effect of carefully expressed http://arthritisreduction.com/node/87778 - olive leaf extract benefits. Bioassays help its anti-bacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory effects in a laboratory amount. A fluid extract produced instantly from fresh olive leaves gained global attention when it had been demonstrated to have an anti oxidant ability almost double green-tea remove and 400% higher than vitamin C.

AstratogaДата: Суббота, 27.09.2014, 18:38 | Сообщение # 4
Группа: Гости

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